Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We are under ATTACK

It's not bomb, or a plane, it's a Grid Attack!

    In recent events, with the Boston Bombing and the 911 attack on the twin towers, the focus of the next potential attack goes forth towards our main power source; The Grid.

Former CIA Director James Woosley recently spoke in Chicago on the current strain the grid is facing from terrorists attacks from multiple sources. Woosley announces America needs to work on producing capacity storage batteries which store electric energy, in the emergency of a "blackout" of the grid.

Former CIA Director James Woosely
image credit: Getty Images via @daylife

"We have 18 critical infrastructures in the United States: water, food, electricity and so forth. All 17 of the others depend on electricity, everything depends on the electric grid." Reported by Woosley.
James Woosley  the co-founder of the U.S. Energy Security Council stated the grid is under attack through the world wide web, strictly because the whole system is run off the internet. Tactical, brilliant, and vigilant attacks have already been reaching the forefront of our current systems by the Herzobollah, Wahhabism leaders and other organizations partnered with Al-Qaeda.

The primary reason for this recent urge to generate and store our own electricity is to halt our dependency on OPEC. Which critics have stated it has turned into cartel, breaking the financial back of America's budget for buying oil-barrel gas for over $100 a barrel. The former CIA Director is calling on automakers to provide all fleet cars with the fuel-flex option, allowing auto owners the choice of picking traditional gasoline or methane at the pump.

This switch for gas stations to add methanol gas would be the equivalent of when leaded to unleaded was provided by the stations. This new idea correlates with the previous coauthored release by James Woosley and Sen. Richard Lugar, advocating cellulosic ethanol entitled "The New Petroleum", which states the position of how ethanol has evolved and will be a successful boom to not only the economy but also to lessen our dependence on OPEC.

Fact of the matter is America needs to stop being so desperately dependent on OPEC, and the use of natural gas gasoline. Methanol and ethanol is not the final answer to the solution let alone should be the main focus. Homes should however install solar panel rooftops, and add as many battery generators as possible in the event of the grid shutting down to 10 percent or complete downtime. With new innovations surfacing and growing threats, America has to take a stand and finally become energy independent.

 Remember to live clean and think "green".

McMahon, Jeff. "Former CIA Director: The Grid Is Vulnerable To Attack - Forbes." Information for the World's Business Leaders - N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2013. <>.


  1. Paragraph 5 you stated methane and 6 you stated methanol. You have great ideas you presented in this have flex fuel in my and they don't have any where I live outside Toledo. If I want to get it I have drive to Michigan! The government needs to mandate that so many gas stations within a radius of 50 miles or less to have methanol only pumps. Although all our gas had methanol in it. I've known your mom since high school. In working on my masters in education at Heidelberg University here in Ohio.

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