Saturday, May 4, 2013

Defining a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)

What exactly is a REC?

     A renewable energy certificate, better known as (REC) is a form of energy representation, authorizing that the electricity your receiving comes from a renewable energy source. For possessing a REC, your entitled to 1000 kilowatt hours (1 Megawatt) of clean renewable energy, that guarantees 1 MW of the energy your entitled too does come from a renewable source. Now we can't track whether or not each individual electron that flows through the grid all comes from renewable energy sources (since all electrons are identical). What we can keep track of is the REC the buyer purchased. This tracking system is authorized to ensure the identities of buyers are secured, and protected to avoid duplication of certificates.

     At the point of generation RECs represent the same attributes from the beginning point of generation, to the end point of the energy use (meaning no emissions). In a nut shell this is what it consists of:
  • REC holders claim all attributes and benefits of renewable energy
  • Property rights to all social, environmental, and other qualities of renewable energy generation
  • Eligibility for certification of RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) 
  • Price Stability*


Why should I even care?

     The power of a renewable energy certificate has the equivalent affect of obtaining, your drivers license, passport, home ownership title, marriage license, and college diploma. Meaning instant gratification of a positive impact to not only yourself, but the environment.
     One may disagree, but understanding the ramification of the individual impact a person can make by switching to a renewable energy source, is a detrimental blow to the toxins, and green house gases that pollute our air. Wouldn't you want proof of your investment helping to contribute to cleaner air quality, destroying harmful toxins and chemicals that cause many of our major dieses.

Fact is this:

  • RECs help reduce CO2 emissions by over 2x the current amount
  • Switching to a renewable source helps the fight against lung cancer (as well as other forms) by ceasing the ongoing reliance of fossil fuel industries to power our energy needs.
  • Enables customers to focus their dollars on supporting renewable sources instead of harmful fossil fuel services
  • Allows customers to have up to 1000 kilowatts of guaranteed clean renewable energy with ZERO emissions.
  • RECs can be distributed over large geographical areas (reaching anyone) even if their electricity supplier doesn't offer a green power option
  • Significantly helping reduce transmission costs.

     Everything that is done through the renewable energy certificate can be tracked. Don't believe me? Ask Environmental Tracking of North America (ETNNA).

Remember stay clean and think "green".
Environmental Protection Agency. "Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) | Green Power Partnership | US EPA." US Environmental Protection Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 May 2013. <
Environmental Tracking Network of North America. "Welcome to ETNNA ::: Environmental Tracking Network of North America." Welcome to ETNNA ::: Environmental Tracking Network of North America. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 May 2013. <>.  

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