Friday, May 24, 2013

The Renewable Energy Recap: May

Recap of some highlights

   The month of May has been a constant steadfast growth for the renewable energy sector, with major expansion of resources, revenue, and purchase power agreements. This has been a month where allegations as well as, lawsuits have been filed; creating this clean environment into a hostile one. The race to become a successful entrepreneur has taken a progressive step forward.

Did you know?

   Malaysia will be receiving support from Yingli Energy who is the new supplier of a large-scare solar power plant located in Asia.

   Cirque Energy formally known as Green Energy, a renewable energy development company has recently purchased the 2nd largest landfill in Michigan. With plans on utilizing this landfill with continued operations, and renewable resources for consumers.

   There has been a major push for Georgia Power, (the states leading utility company) to pursue more solar energy efficiency. Currently Georgia power has no plans to increase its solar power resources beyond its current state. Advocates have stressed the need for cleaner resources for better air quality, and saving consumers money.

   Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium (VICOSC) has developed the patient 10 meters of flexible solar cells minute. These cells are created with organic semi-conducting polymers, that can also be dissolved in a solvent. The cool feature about these solar cells is they can also be printed directly on to steel.

   During May 16th, 2013, Electric Reliability Council of Texas announced solar power generation grew by 265 percent from 2011-2012.  32.5 million megawatt hours of generation has been installed using Wind Turbines, which stands as the majority of Texas renewable energy source. 

   The Freedom of Information Act, has been a huge discussion on whether or not the EPA has chosen "favorites" on who they choose to disperse current environmental data requests. Conservative groups have been receiving fees, which usually are waived while the other "90" percent  of requests have received waived fees. The main reason for denial of information requests stated by the EPA was "groups either did not respond to requests for justification, and did not express intent to disseminate the information to the general public".  

   New Jersey reaches agreements with state regulatory to fund $446 million in solar-power projects.  Over 42 megawatts of solar farms will be installed, as well as 97.5 megawatts of new sun-powered as a separate program. Leading these project will be Public Service Enterprise Group Inc.

Continued stories are still being developed and will be reported.

Remember live clean and think "green".

James, Brandon . " EPA picking favorites in charging Freedom of Information Acts fees, Green energy groups get waivers - The Global Dispatch." The Global Dispatch. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2013. <>.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The attack on Big TEXAS!

First Houston, next Dallas?

   The Clean Air Act is a law enacted by Congress, which is responsible for improving, and maintaining the sustainability of our current air quality. There has been major changes in the law to help improve it's efficiency and impact on our environment, personal health, along with the stratospheric ozone layer. The Clean Air Act Amendments intend to be responsible for helping prevent over 230,000 deaths which are caused by poor air quality, due to pollutants.

+Think Progress 
The Texas Clean Air Project, has constantly been an ongoing debate within Texas, concerning its current mandates. 

The largest Refinery Plant in the Nation

Recently ExxonMobile has violated the Clean Air Act more than a thousand times in the past five years alone. State agencies have lacked to make a significant stand against big business, but reluctantly Environment Texas is taking a stand against ExxonMobile by filing a lawsuit to the federal court.  

   The failure of Exxon to uphold the Texas Clean Air mandates, have contributed the extreme amounts of air pollution, endangering the thousands of residents near the Baytown refinery, outside of the Houston area. The same legal action which is being implemented against ExxonMobile currently was previously filed in 2009, against Shell oil who also was also a major contributor to pollutants, and rising CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

   Progressive steps towards advancing to a solution has surfaced due to a denied motion by ExxonMobile to dismiss a lawsuit, by Environment Texas, and the Sierra Club. Exxon is facing thousands of violations of the Federal Clean Air Act. District Judge David Hittner is over the case, and is responsible for denying the motion of the Baytown Refinery.

The Gruesome Truth

   Documented results of air pollution not authorized by the Federal Clean Air Act, has accounted for 57 tons of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, along with other harmful pollutants. Many occurrences  documented as "accidents" or formally termed "tripped" which happens when a malfunction occurs with a compressor.

ExxonMobile has contributed:
  • 1,246lbs of Hydrogen Sulfide
  • Around 6,500lbs of nitrogen oxides
  • 1 ton of Human Carcinogens Benzene
  • Around 206,000lbs of Sulfur Dioxide
  • 38,000lbs of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
  • 206,000lbs of sulfur dioxide

Course of Action

   According to the EPA about 72,000 Houston area residents are affected by the pollution of ExxonMobile's Baytown refinery.

   As of today a petition is being signed (besides the current trial) asking for Texans suffering from this air pollution, to come together with the help of the Texas Commission on Environment Quality, and the Environmental Protection Agency, to help compel Texas to agree with their plea through the form of a Federal Implementation Plan.

   A safer cleaner environment is all the residents are asking for. This is a right all Americans have, and should always remember to exercise.

Remember live clean and think "green"

"Texas Clean Air Project | Environment Texas." Environment Texas. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2013. <>.
Metzger, Luke. "Texas Clean Air Project | Environment Texas." Environment Texas. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2013. <>.
"Environment | Texas Impact." Texas Impact | people of faith working for justice. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2013. <>.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Presenting the Wind Turbine

What exactly is a Wind Turbine?

   A wind turbine can be defined as a device which rotates in order to produce the energy derived from the movement of the wind's kinetic energy, into electrical energy. In short, this is the cleanest zero emissions motor spinning on this side of the universe.

   Wind Turbines convert kinetic energy into electrical energy. The wind blowing into the turbine through the nacelle (that sits on top of a pillar) rotates three high tech blades, which receive movement from the air blowing.

   The higher the tower the better the tower, which makes this similar to how most aircraft planes would work also. The higher in height means to minimize turbulence, and potential damage.

   Inside of the nacelle is a gear box, control equipment, and a generator which is controlled and monitored for development, and research of the turbines activity.

Here are some quick facts:

  • 5 nations produce 75% of their energy needs through Wind Energy
  • Wind is the fastest-growing energy sector
  • Wind famers may contain hundreds of turbines at a time
  • Denmark receives the majority of its energy from wind energy, up to 1/5 of its energy needs
  • More efficient than any other renewable source, EROI = 23:1, oppose to coal which = 11:1
  • Over 85,000 people have found employment in this sector
  • Hundreds of colleges are offering program degrees to train people for jobs in the renewable energy field


So why should I care again?

   Wind turbines produce zero emissions into the air once installed for production. Running a 1-megawatt wind turbine for 1 year helps prevent 1,500 tones of carbon dioxide, 6.5 tones of sulfur dioxide, 3.2 tones of nitrogen oxides, and 60 lb of mercury, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
   In one study Wind Turbines produced 23 times more energy than it consumed. The energy return-on-investment (EROI) shatters the numbers of nuclear energy with a ratio of 16:1, coal 11:1 and natural gas 5:1. Meaning Wind energy can supply hundreds of regions, from farmland to industrialized cities, desperately needing peak power supply daily.

If it's so great just how do I build this spacecraft?

   Good news is, building a wind turbine is not rocket science. In fact it's rather simple. Here's what you'll need:

  1. Rotor - 3 high tech blades, a hub, and spinner
  2. Nacelle - box-like component, sits on top of tower
  3. Drive Train- The heart of a turbine; electricity generating system
  4. Yaw- drive system; keeps turbine facing the direction of the wind
  5. Tower - holds the nacelle and generator on top of its structure

That's all there is too it, not too complicated. Next of course would be the transportation and construction of the turbine to make it complete.

Okay, what's the catch?

   Only downside to wind energy is of course, wind varies from time to time, and place to place. Wind sources need better transmission network technology to reach population centers that are to far to reach effectively, in some cases to receive the benefit of this renewable energy.

   Other than pure reliability (which seems to be the major questions asked), there is nothing imminently wrong with wind energy. Granted turbines are helping the environment cut back on major amounts (tons) of CO2 emissions as well as other harmful greenhouse gases; while meeting all of our energy needs is incredible.

   Why wouldn't someone stop relying on fossil fuels, and switch to a renewable energy source?

Remember stay clean, and think "green". 



  Withgott, Jay, and Matthew Laposata. "Renewable Energy Alternatives." Essential Environment. Fourth Edition ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, 2012. 369-371. Print.

 "Anatomy of a Wind Turbine." AWEA. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 May 2013. <>.
"Wind Energy | Energy and Global Climate Change in New England | US EP." US Environmental Protection Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 May 2013. <>.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Defining a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)

What exactly is a REC?

     A renewable energy certificate, better known as (REC) is a form of energy representation, authorizing that the electricity your receiving comes from a renewable energy source. For possessing a REC, your entitled to 1000 kilowatt hours (1 Megawatt) of clean renewable energy, that guarantees 1 MW of the energy your entitled too does come from a renewable source. Now we can't track whether or not each individual electron that flows through the grid all comes from renewable energy sources (since all electrons are identical). What we can keep track of is the REC the buyer purchased. This tracking system is authorized to ensure the identities of buyers are secured, and protected to avoid duplication of certificates.

     At the point of generation RECs represent the same attributes from the beginning point of generation, to the end point of the energy use (meaning no emissions). In a nut shell this is what it consists of:
  • REC holders claim all attributes and benefits of renewable energy
  • Property rights to all social, environmental, and other qualities of renewable energy generation
  • Eligibility for certification of RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) 
  • Price Stability*


Why should I even care?

     The power of a renewable energy certificate has the equivalent affect of obtaining, your drivers license, passport, home ownership title, marriage license, and college diploma. Meaning instant gratification of a positive impact to not only yourself, but the environment.
     One may disagree, but understanding the ramification of the individual impact a person can make by switching to a renewable energy source, is a detrimental blow to the toxins, and green house gases that pollute our air. Wouldn't you want proof of your investment helping to contribute to cleaner air quality, destroying harmful toxins and chemicals that cause many of our major dieses.

Fact is this:

  • RECs help reduce CO2 emissions by over 2x the current amount
  • Switching to a renewable source helps the fight against lung cancer (as well as other forms) by ceasing the ongoing reliance of fossil fuel industries to power our energy needs.
  • Enables customers to focus their dollars on supporting renewable sources instead of harmful fossil fuel services
  • Allows customers to have up to 1000 kilowatts of guaranteed clean renewable energy with ZERO emissions.
  • RECs can be distributed over large geographical areas (reaching anyone) even if their electricity supplier doesn't offer a green power option
  • Significantly helping reduce transmission costs.

     Everything that is done through the renewable energy certificate can be tracked. Don't believe me? Ask Environmental Tracking of North America (ETNNA).

Remember stay clean and think "green".
Environmental Protection Agency. "Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) | Green Power Partnership | US EPA." US Environmental Protection Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 May 2013. <
Environmental Tracking Network of North America. "Welcome to ETNNA ::: Environmental Tracking Network of North America." Welcome to ETNNA ::: Environmental Tracking Network of North America. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 May 2013. <>.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We are under ATTACK

It's not bomb, or a plane, it's a Grid Attack!

    In recent events, with the Boston Bombing and the 911 attack on the twin towers, the focus of the next potential attack goes forth towards our main power source; The Grid.

Former CIA Director James Woosley recently spoke in Chicago on the current strain the grid is facing from terrorists attacks from multiple sources. Woosley announces America needs to work on producing capacity storage batteries which store electric energy, in the emergency of a "blackout" of the grid.

Former CIA Director James Woosely
image credit: Getty Images via @daylife

"We have 18 critical infrastructures in the United States: water, food, electricity and so forth. All 17 of the others depend on electricity, everything depends on the electric grid." Reported by Woosley.
James Woosley  the co-founder of the U.S. Energy Security Council stated the grid is under attack through the world wide web, strictly because the whole system is run off the internet. Tactical, brilliant, and vigilant attacks have already been reaching the forefront of our current systems by the Herzobollah, Wahhabism leaders and other organizations partnered with Al-Qaeda.

The primary reason for this recent urge to generate and store our own electricity is to halt our dependency on OPEC. Which critics have stated it has turned into cartel, breaking the financial back of America's budget for buying oil-barrel gas for over $100 a barrel. The former CIA Director is calling on automakers to provide all fleet cars with the fuel-flex option, allowing auto owners the choice of picking traditional gasoline or methane at the pump.

This switch for gas stations to add methanol gas would be the equivalent of when leaded to unleaded was provided by the stations. This new idea correlates with the previous coauthored release by James Woosley and Sen. Richard Lugar, advocating cellulosic ethanol entitled "The New Petroleum", which states the position of how ethanol has evolved and will be a successful boom to not only the economy but also to lessen our dependence on OPEC.

Fact of the matter is America needs to stop being so desperately dependent on OPEC, and the use of natural gas gasoline. Methanol and ethanol is not the final answer to the solution let alone should be the main focus. Homes should however install solar panel rooftops, and add as many battery generators as possible in the event of the grid shutting down to 10 percent or complete downtime. With new innovations surfacing and growing threats, America has to take a stand and finally become energy independent.

 Remember to live clean and think "green".

McMahon, Jeff. "Former CIA Director: The Grid Is Vulnerable To Attack - Forbes." Information for the World's Business Leaders - N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2013. <>.