Monday, April 29, 2013

We all need a CLEAN JOB!

Why not pick a job going GREEN!

   In this growing "green" economy, job growth and job security is a core necessity to everyone of any background, seeking to further advance in this growing renewable energy world we live in today. A study has been conducted by the Solar Foundation in partnership with GreenLMI and Cornell University, to produce what is known as the "National Solar Jobs Census". This solar job census is conducted every year (2010-2012 so far) on the growth, manufacturing, installation, sales, and distribution of the solar industry.

Here is are some of the raw facts:
  • In the past 12 months manufacturing jobs have grown over 25 percent prior to August 2012 to now.

  • By the end of this year an expected 13,000+ distribution and sales jobs will be available.

  • The U.S. solar industry currently employees over 119,000 Americans.

  • There has been a 13.2 percent employment growth in the Solar Energy sector.

  • Reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, overall economy rate grew 2.3 percent.

  • 1 in 230 jobs created nationally are created in the solar industry.

From this map below we can undoubtedly see California is the leader of the top ten states for solar jobs in 2012 with: Arizona, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas, New York, Michigan, Florida, Ohio, and Colorado comparing high in the solar employment area as well. 

The Solar Foundation generates a great resource to keep track of the current growth rates and trends of every aspect of the solar market. This information is invaluable, when deciding key policies and opportunities for homes to have installed capacity in the near future.

Take advantage of this resource and become informed! Remember think "green".

Runyon, Jennifer. "Renewable Energy World - Renewable Energy News, Jobs, Events, Companies, and more." Renewable Energy World - Renewable Energy News, Jobs, Events, Companies, and more. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.

National Solar Job Census. "The Solar Foundation | Promoting Solar Energy Worldwide." The Solar Foundation | Promoting Solar Energy Worldwide. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today is the DAY!

So...Solar PV!

   Making sense of the new technology advancements in today's society can be excruciating, while mind blowing to one who doesn't keep up with modern technology. The daily reader has a variety of different sectors to pay close attention to detail in just about any category of their choice. Understanding how to spot reliable sources has been a major concern (public opinion) when debating/discussing possible ways to invest or criticize the current state of the market. Today is the day to take a further step in educating the general public on the world of Renewable Energy. Knowing and understanding the benefits, along with potential downfalls, will help train the minds of many aspiring citizens who not only want to feel involved, but become undoubtedly confident about Renewable Energy.

For starters here are some great resources to become familiar with:

Home generation, powered by Solar PV panels.
The links above are invaluable resources to obtain current information on the ever growing market. Not only from the domestic standpoint, but also a global perspective as well.
This is your chance to get a kick start and become "green"! Get involved and most importantly become informed!